Something New & Exciting

Hi lovelies! We are so excited to announce our new lifestyle and fashion blog. You may know us from our tote-bag collection, but after many conversations over cocktails and endless questions about where we shop we decided this was the best next step. So, pour yourself a glass of wine and get ready for our exciting new adventure!

Where do we begin? Maybe with introductions of who we are for those they might be new. My name is Phebe Huth, co-founder of Breck & Grier. I am a 24 year old Connecticut native. I might have the best business partner in the industry, my sister Brecky Huth. She is 14 months younger than me, so naturally we are best friends. The history of Breck & Grier is short and super sweet. Brecky and I have always loved expressing our creativity, so when our close family friends were graduating college we thought of a cute idea to gift them with personalized totes to take with them on their new chapter. Which turned out to be the best form of marketing!

Almost four years later, we have grown tremendously all thanks to our wonderful, loyal customers. It has provided the best platform for us to expand more into the lifestyle + fashion realm via our blog. We are here to share our lives through the lenses of lifestyle and fashion.

Follow along to see our fashion finds, home decor, favorite recipes and so much more!


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